Category: scriptures

  • Ganesha Chaturthi Mantras – Part 1

    Ganesha Chaturthi is celebrated on the fourth day after the new moon in the waxing portion of the lunar fortnight of Bhadrapadaaya (usually in late August or early September). One way to celebrate the festival is to meditate upon the 108 names of Lord Ganesha. Each of the 108 names evokes a specific quality, power…

  • Ganesha Chaturthi Mantras – Part 8

    Ganesha Chaturthi is celebrated on the fourth day after the new moon in the waxing portion of the lunar fortnight of Bhaadrapada (usually in late August or early September). One way to celebrate the festival is to meditate upon the 108 names of Lord Ganesha. Each of the 108 names evokes a specific quality, power…

  • Ganesha Chaturthi Mantras – Part 7

    Ganesha Chaturthi is celebrated on the fourth day after the new moon in the waxing portion of the lunar fortnight of Bhaadrapada (usually in late August or early September). One way to celebrate the festival is to meditate upon the 108 names of Lord Ganesha. Each of the 108 names evokes a specific quality, power…

  • The Yoga of Self-Control

    Yoga means union. One aspect of yoga according to sage Patanjali is called pratyahara, which means self-control or withdrawal of the senses. In Chapter Eight of the Bhagavad Gita (verses 11 to 15), Lord Krishna gives the description of the Yoga of Self-Control that can leads us to the Supreme state. This Yoga is practiced…

  • Yoga of God Realization

    In Chapter 8 of the Bhagavad Gita, Shri Krishna addresses an important question posed by Arjuna: How are You (the indestructible) to be realized at the time of death by those of steadfast mind? (Gita 8-2.2) In response, Shri Krishna gives a reply over several paragraphs. At first, Krishna says, He who departs from the…

  • The Path to Immortality – Kena Upanishad

    The Kena Upanishad is so named because it asks many fundamental questions that begin with the phrase, “by whom” – or “kena”. By whom willed and directed does the mind alight upon objects of the world? The Kena is one of the most metaphysical of the Upanishads, as it discusses the subtle reality of the…