Category: spiritualists

  • Kabir – On Work and the Ego

    “The moon shines in my body, but my blind eyes cannot see it: The moon is within me, and so is the sun. The unstruck drum of Eternity is sounded within me; but my deaf ears cannot hear it.” Kabir speaks about our inner nature – and how we are constantly looking outside of ourselves,…

  • Kabir – On Maya and Renunciation

    Tell me, Brother, how can I renounce Maya? When I gave up the tying of ribbons, still I tied my garment about me: When I gave up tying my garment, still I covered my body in its folds. So, when I give up passion, I see that anger remains; And when I renounce anger, greed…

  • On Life and Death

    The subject of life and death is often viewed in the context of light and dark. It is said that one of the greatest fears of human beings is the fear of dying. The great mystic Osho has written an entire book called “Let me teach you about death” (a highly recommended read by me).…

  • Do Ethics still matter in Education?

    Teachers are under a lot of pressure to do more, be more, be always at their best, set the best example and so on. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, the 2nd President of India (1962-67) was a great educator, and philosopher. He believed that students need to have certain ethics and virtues in ordered to be taught well…

  • Can Science exist without Spirituality? Ten Questions with a Yoga Practitioner

    My memory of meeting her via twitter is hazy – I do remember that my good friend Wayne Mcevilly ‘introduced’ me to her. Her comments were always insightful and introspective – the sign of one who ‘thinks before they speak’. Then, I happened to read one of the articles on her blog about her trip…

  • Do you really need a Guru? A lesson from the Ramayana

    It is said that satsang, the company or association of like-minded people, is one key element of helping you along your spiritual path. So, when I received an invitation to attend a satsang with Amma Sri Karunamayi in my town, I could not pass up the opportunity for my third visit with her in three…