Ganesha Chaturthi Mantras – Part 4

Ganesha Chaturthi is celebrated on the fourth day after the new moon in the waxing portion of the lunar fortnight of Bhaadrapada (usually in late August or early September).

One way to celebrate the festival is to meditate upon the 108 names of Lord Ganesha. Each of the 108 names evokes a specific quality, power or blessing that Ganesha showers upon us. Each recitation of the 108 names can begin with the seed mantra which is formulated around the word gam – the bijakshara for Ganesha. 

Aum gam ganpataye Namah ॐ गम गण्पताय नमः

The fourth set of twelve (of the 108) names of Ganesha are given below:

Aum Kaantidaaya Namah ॐ कांतिदाय नमः

Salutations to the One who bestows radiance

Aum Kaamrupiney Namah ॐ कामरूपिणे नमः 

Salutations to the One who can assume any form

Aum Kaamposhiney Namah ॐ कामपोषिणे नमः

Salutations to the One who nurtures our desires

Aum Kamlaakshaaya Namah ॐ कमलाक्षाय नमः

Salutations to the lotus-eyed One

Aum Gajaananaaya Namah ॐ गजाननाय नमः

Salutations to the elephant-faced One

Aum Sumukhaaya Namah ॐ सुमुखाय नमः 

Salutations to the One with the beautiful and pleasant face

 Aum Sharmadaaya Namah ॐ शर्मदाय नमः

Salutations to the bestower of the happiness of meditation 

Aum Mooshkaadhipavaahanaaya Namah ॐ मूषकाधिपवाहनाय नमः

Salutations to the One who rides a big mouse

Aum Shuddhaaya Namah ॐ शुद्धाय नमः

Salutations to the sanctified One

Aum Deerghatundaaya Namah ॐ दीर्घतुंडाय नमः

Salutations to the One with the long trunk

Aum Shreepataye Namah ॐ श्रीपतये नमः

Salutations to the Lord of immense prosperity

 Aum Anantaaya Namah ॐ अनंताय नमः ४८

Salutations to the unending One

Ganesha 108 48c420

Happy Ganesha Chaturthi to all of you – may Lord Ganesha’s blessings always be with you! Please share Ganesha’s blessings with your friends and family!

vakratunda mahaakaaya / suryakoti samaprabhaa. / nirvighnam kurumedeva / sarvakaaryeshu sarvadaa.. 
वक्रतुन्ङ महाकाय / सूर्यकोटि संप्रभा / निर्विघनम कुरुमेदेवा / सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा