Ganesha Chaturthi Mantras – Part 2

Ganesha Chaturthi is celebrated on the fourth day after the new moon in the waxing portion of the lunar fortnight of Bhadrapadaaya (usually in late August or early September).

One way to celebrate the festival is to meditate upon the 108 names of Lord Ganesha. Each of the 108 names evokes a specific quality, power or blessing that Ganesha showers upon us. Each recitation of the 108 names can begin with the seed mantra which is formulated around the word gam – the bijakshara for Ganesha. 


Aum gam ganpataye Namah


The second set of twelve (of the 108) names of Ganesha are given below:

Aum Vedavedyaaya Namah

Salutations to the One who is understood through the Vedas

Aum Mahaakaalya Namah

Salutations to the One who is time himself

Aum Vidyaanidhaye Namah

Salutations to the treasury of knowledge

Aum Anaamyaaya Namah

Salutations to the wholesome One

Aum Sarvagyaaya Namah

Salutations to the omniscient One

Aum Sarvagaaya Namah

Salutations to the omnipresent One

Aum Shaantaaya Namah

Salutations to the one who is free of excesses

Aum Chitteshwaraaya Namah

Salutations to the lord of ourl consciousness

Aum Vigatajvaraaya Namah

Salutations to the one without stress or grief

Aum Vishwamoortye Namah 

Salutations to the universe incarnate

Aum Amevaatmane Namah

Salutations to the boundless soul

Aum Vishvaadhaaraaya Namah

Salutations to the sustainer of the universe

Ganesha 108 Names

Happy Ganesha Chaturthi to all of you – may Lord Ganesha’s blessings always be with you! Please share Ganesha’s blessings with your friends and family!