Category: hinduism

  • Durga Suktam

    The Durga Suktam is a combination of mantras and prayers sung in praise of Goddess Durga after the recitation of the Durga Saptasati (seven hundred verse katha). It is particularly relevant during the Navaratri as it helps the devotee focus on the varied and multiple forms and qualities of the feminine power – the Goddess.

  • On VijayDashami and Spirituality

    The nine day festival of Navaratri which celebrates the Goddess Durga and her many forms and incarnations, concludes on the tenth day of Vijay Dashami or Dasahra or Dussehra (15th October 2021). Vijay means victory, and Dashami means, the tenth (Das) day (shami). This tenth day, which marks the conclusion of Navaratri, and the beginning…

  • Shiva MahaMantra Healing Chants And The Powerful Rudra Gayatri

    Om Namah Shivaya is a three word Mahamantra that is considered to be the supreme invocation to Lord Shiva. The gayatri invocation for Lord Shiva is called Rudra Gayatri. Aum tadpurushAya vidhmahe.