Category: shlokas
Shiva MahaMantra Healing Chants And The Powerful Rudra Gayatri
Om Namah Shivaya is a three word Mahamantra that is considered to be the supreme invocation to Lord Shiva. The gayatri invocation for Lord Shiva is called Rudra Gayatri. Aum tadpurushAya vidhmahe.
Krishna – The Protector of Goodness
Lord Krishna says to Arjuna – It is for the protection of the good, for the destruction of the wicked, and for the establishment of righteous Dharma, I come into being from age to age.
The Restoration of Dharma – Bhagavad Gita
Lord Krishna explains to Arjuna the reason why he returns to earth when necessary, for the restoration of faith and dharma. Yadaa yadaa hi dharmasya, glaanirbhavati bhaarata…