Prayer for Lord Vishnu – Protector in the Hindu Trinity

The mere mention of Lord Vishnu can get rid of all our ailments. There is great power and healing conveyed to those who remember the Lord’s name with faith and devotion. Such is the strength conveyed in the following shloka which is found in the concluding verse of the Vishnu Sahastranaam (thousand names of Vishnu):

ArtA viShaNNAH shithilAshcha bhItA,
ghoreShu vyAghrAdiShu vartamAnAH
saMkIrtya nArAyaNashabdamAtraM
vimuktaduHkhAH sukhino bhavantu

आर्ता विषण्णाः शिथिलाश्च भीता,
घोरेषु व्याघ्रादिषु वर्तमानाः
संकीर्त्य नारायणशब्दमात्रं
विमुक्तदुःखाः सुखिनो भवन्तु

The power of invoking Vishnu

If he who is worried,
If he who is sad,
If he who is broken,
If he who is afraid,
If he who is severely ill,
If he who has heard tidings bad,
Sings Narayana and Narayana,
All his cares would be taken care of.

Vishnu Sahastranaam

Literal Meaning of Sanskrit words

poison , venom , bane , anything actively pernicious (viSha, विष)

weak, feeble (shithila, शिथिल)

frightened, alarmed, terrified, timid, afraid of or imperilled by (bhIta, भीत)

terrific, frightful, terrible, dreadful, violent, vehement (as pains, diseases) (ghora, घोर)

one who is in mortal fear, say, after having seen a tiger (vyAghrA, व्याघ्र)

the present time (vartamAna, वर्तमान)

the act of mentioning fully in praise, celebration, glorification (saMkIrtya, संकीर्तन)

nArAyaNa, नारायण – the son of the original Man (with whom he is generally associated; he is identified with Brahma, ब्रह्मा with Vishnu, विष्णु or Krishna, कृष्ण ; the Apsara Urvashi is said to have sprung from his thigh ; elsewhere he is regarded as a Kashyapa कश्यप or Angirasa अङ्गिरस , also as chief of the Sadhyas साध्य)

will be released or set free (vimukta, विमुक्त)

the word (shabda, शब्द)
the mere mention of (mAtram, मात्रं)

uneasiness, pain, sorrow, trouble, difficulty (duHkhAH, दुःख)

a place of abode , mansion , home , house , palace , dwelling (bhavana, भवन)

Audio extract for aartha-vishanna Vishnu shloka

Vishnu Shloka

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