Category: thinkers

  • Do Ethics still matter in Education?

    Teachers are under a lot of pressure to do more, be more, be always at their best, set the best example and so on. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, the 2nd President of India (1962-67) was a great educator, and philosopher. He believed that students need to have certain ethics and virtues in ordered to be taught well…

  • Can Science exist without Spirituality? Ten Questions with a Yoga Practitioner

    My memory of meeting her via twitter is hazy – I do remember that my good friend Wayne Mcevilly ‘introduced’ me to her. Her comments were always insightful and introspective – the sign of one who ‘thinks before they speak’. Then, I happened to read one of the articles on her blog about her trip…

  • Journey of a Musical Mystic – The Wayne Mcevilly Interview

    An interview with a musical genius, native American Indian, spiritual seeker who is memorizing the entire Sama Veda and who has traveled to India in the past seeking spiritual guidance and peace. Find out what he knows that we are perhaps forgetting – the value of leading a spiritual life without ‘conversion’….

  • Vivekananda On Faith, Fear and the Goal

    Awake, arise and stop not till the desired end is reached. Arise, awake, for the time is propitious. Be bold and fear not. We have to become Abhih, fearless, and our task will be done. Arise, awake, for your country needs this tremendous sacrifice. It is the young men that will do it. The young,…

  • Significance of the Vedas in Hinduism

    I am often asked the question whether a particular mantra can be chanted or recited by a particular person from a particular caste. I am also often asked if certain mantras can be chanted by women. The answer to all such questions was eloquently given by one of the greatest reformers of the 19th century…

  • Lord Krishna’s Promise in the Gita

    In celebration of Gita Jayanti, it is perhaps appropriate to look at what the Bhagavad Gita teaches us about the “the promise of Lord Krishna to his faithful” . This is best explained in an often quoted verse (Chapter IV, Verse 7) of the Gita – ‘yada yada hi dharmasya,…’ – Read More…