Rahim on Love and Money

Rahim’s views on Money

Money, today and since ages is the sole force around which if not the universe, at least the people in it revolve. Significant from his writings, he was not too fond of this asset. More than a boon he considered money as a bane on human kind. He associated evils like ego, inequality, temper, pride etc with money.

Dhan thoro ijjat badi, kaha rahim ki baat.
Jaise kul ki kulbahu, chithdan maanha samaat.

धन थोड़ो इज़्जत बढ़ी, कहा रहीम की बात । जैसे कुल की कुलबहू, चिथधन मनहि समात ।।

Translation: Rahim says the prospect of less money but great respect happens to a very fortunate person. Taking the example of the prevalent joint family culture in India, he says that if the daughter in law of a very rich family is not cultured enough but dressed in gold and expensive riches, the society would still not respect that house hold. On the other hand, if the daughter in law of a poor family is immensely cultured and dressed in rags, she and her family would still be accepted, appreciated and respected in the society.

By this illustration, he shows the importance of culture and respect. In both, the eyes of others and the self, respect is far more important than money.

Rahim’s thoughts on Love

Rahim, undoubtedly would have been very romantic as a person. His writings are a sheer delightful surprise as I came across some of his dohas on love. It can also be observed that he had seen his share of days of separation from his beloved. His writings not only show the hurt but also preach as to how important the right person is in everyone’s life.

Jadyapi nainani hota hai, biraha chot bin ghaai.
Piyur peera na kare, heera si gadi jaaye..

यद्यपि नैनाणि होता है, बिरहा चोट बिन घाई । पियुर पीढ़ा न करे, हीरा सि घाड़ि जाए ।।

Translation: Rahim says that the hurt of separation from the loved one does not show in the eyes. The heart is so occupied with affection for the beloved that the pain is just studded in the heart like a diamond.

Rahiman dhaaga prem kaa, mat todo chatkaaye.
Toote se phir na jude, jude gaanth padi jaaya..

रहिमन धागा प्रीत का, मत तोड़ो चटकाये । टूटे से फिर न जुड़े, जुड़े गॉठ पढ़ जाये ।।

Translation: Rahim says love and a good relationship is as though a delicate thread; once you break it with your harsh words or actions, it is hard to join it back together. Even if you are able to mend the relationship, it will always have a knot to keep the threads together, which becomes quite evident to the world – the relationship is never the same again!

Rahiman preeti na keejiye, jas kheera ne keen.
Upar se toh dil milaa, bheetar faanke teen..

रहिमन प्रीति न कीजिये, जस खीरा ने कीन । ऊपर से तो दिल मिला, भीतर फॉके तीन ।।

Translation: Rahim says one should love from the bottom of the bosom. What is the point of such love that two people appear to be together but are not soul mates as such? He takes the example of a cucumber where in it appears to be one but one can very clearly see three slices once it is put under a knife.

Yaa te jaanyo mann bhayo, jari bari bhasm banaay.
Rahiman jaahi lagaaiye, so rukho hvai jaaye..

या ते जानयो मन भयो, जरी बरी भस्म बनाये । रहिमन जाही लगाईए, सो रूखो हवि जाए ।।

Translation: Rahim says I do not like anything now; it seems as though my heart has burnt to ashes since the time my lover has left me.

Rahiman yahi na saraahiye, len den kai preeti.
Praanahin baajee raakhiye, haari hoy ke jeet.

रहिमन यही न सराहिये, लेन देन की प्रीति । प्राणी बाज़ी राखिए, हारी होए के जीत ।।

Translation: Rahim says it is indeed wrong to practice give and take in love; when in love, people sacrifice everything, including their lives, they do not think about their victory or defeat.

Note from the author:I am grateful for the support and motivation that I received in the form of your comments for my previous article on Rahim. Please feel free to offer comments and corrections below. Thank you!

The author is doing her graduation in Mass Communication and aspires to become a journalist. This blog is her first step in the journey towards her destination.




