Tag: realization
The Yoga of Self-Control
Yoga means union. One aspect of yoga according to sage Patanjali is called pratyahara, which means self-control or withdrawal of the senses. In Chapter Eight of the Bhagavad Gita (verses 11 to 15), Lord Krishna gives the description of the Yoga of Self-Control that can leads us to the Supreme state. This Yoga is practiced…
Yoga of God Realization
In Chapter 8 of the Bhagavad Gita, Shri Krishna addresses an important question posed by Arjuna: How are You (the indestructible) to be realized at the time of death by those of steadfast mind? (Gita 8-2.2) In response, Shri Krishna gives a reply over several paragraphs. At first, Krishna says, He who departs from the…