Category: Guru

  • Guru Poornima – Honoring the Guru

    Guru Poornima or Purnima is a festival celebrated on the full-moon day in July dedicated to honoring our Guru, our spiritual leader and teacher. Guru Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devoh Maheswaraha.

  • Buddha Purnima – An invitation to meditation!

    The full moon day in the month of May, also known as purnima or poornima marks Buddha Purnima. But this is no ordinary purnima, as it is observed worldwide as the day that Gautam Buddha achieved full enlightenment after years of meditation under the Bodhi tree.

  • Guru Poornima – Celebrating the Guru

    The Purnima (Full Moon) day in the month of Ashadha (July-August) is known as Guru Purnima. Oh Guru, you are father, mother, brother, friend, knowledge and wealth. The ideal Guru is a facilitator and encourages the disciple to go and seek beyond that which is taught by the Guru. But what are the qualities of…

  • Significance and Observance of Guru Purnima

    The full moon day in the Hindu month of Ashaad (July-August) is considered extremely auspicious and is observed as a day to pay homage to, and celebrate the presence of the divine Gurus or teachers in our lives. It is an occasion to meditate on the Guru and also provides a unique opportunity for new…

  • My Conversation with the Divine Guru

    Every once in a while, when the digital stimulus from the virtual world (email, social networking, websites and more) becomes excessive, and I start feeling a little overwhelmed by it all, I make a conscious decision to “unplug” myself from all of it for a little while. One such occurrence happened a few days back,…

  • Do you really need a Guru? A lesson from the Ramayana

    It is said that satsang, the company or association of like-minded people, is one key element of helping you along your spiritual path. So, when I received an invitation to attend a satsang with Amma Sri Karunamayi in my town, I could not pass up the opportunity for my third visit with her in three…